I've reached the age of perpetual youth at 21, or so I humorously proclaim! In truth, I've never concealed my age, although societal norms suggest it's impolite to inquire about a woman's years. Age, however, is a subjective measure; one's vitality often belies the ticking clock.
My recent birthday festivities spanned three days and an entire weekend—an indulgence I relished. The outpouring of presents and well-wishes from dear friends and colleagues was overwhelming and heartwarming. Each gesture added to the joy of my celebration, from the delightful party to the intimate lunches shared with loved ones. I felt truly cherished this year.
While material gifts hold less significance than in childhood, they remain appreciated, especially when they fulfill long-held desires. This year's highlights included a perfectly tailored trip to Sweden, an art history tome from my mother, and a delightful bouquet from my significant other. Their thoughtfulness touched me deeply.
I derive immense pleasure from giving gifts, and this year, one of my birthday aspirations was to extend this joy to my family—a wish that was wonderfully granted. However, logistical constraints dictate that I must dispatch these tokens of affection via parcel, as my holiday season is spent in Ireland, with a return home scheduled for January. A small consolation amidst the distance.
As the year wanes, I trust you've been paragons of virtue and that the unseen hands of Santa's little helpers have not overlooked your benevolence!
Ja olengi 30ndates. Ametlikult. Ma ei tee oma east saladust ja ei arva, et on ebaviisakas naise vanust küsida. Oleme just nii vanad kui me ennast tunneme icicic. Kuigi Assooridel õppisin väga vajaliku väljendi selle kohta, tuleb küsida: "Mitmendat kevadet Sina õitsed lilleke"?
Nagu ühele korralikule sünnipäeva prallele kohane pidasime pidu 3 päeva ja 1 nädalavahetuse. Palju kingitusi ja õnnitlusi. Väga armsaid. Olen nii ära hellitatud.
Sünnipäev on tore kui sõbrad kokku tulevad. Kingitused käivad sellega kaasa. Selle aasta kingituseks mehelt sain reisi Stokholmi - olen väga elevil, sest pole Rootsis ammu käinud. Nii tore on tuttavad paigad üle vaadata! Lisaks reisule sain ka suure kunstiraamatu (mulle meeldib kunstiajalugu). Jah, sain töö juures ka üllatusest punastada kui alla retseptuuri toodi suur lillekimp (mehelt)!.
Kinkide saamine on ju lahe, aga nende tegemine on veelgi lahedam. Üheks selle aasta sünnipäevasooviks oli, et ma saan oma perele kingitusi teha. Ja saingi. Pakk läheb varsti teele :).
Ole siis hea laps, muidu päkapikud ei tule see aasta!