
12 november, 2013


Barcelona is bright, spacious, and impeccably clean. It has a relaxed atmosphere and remains lively even late into the night.

Barcelona on avar. Suur. Puhas. Muretu. Elu keeb siin ka öötundidel!

Barcelona surprised me with its roundness. There are hardly any corners!

Barcelona üllatas oma ümarusega. "Kohtume tänavanurgal" siin ilmselt ei kehti!

It's very warm all year round here. Even in winter, temperatures won't drop below 15 degrees Celsius. It rarely rains, so there's no point in checking the weather forecast – it's just the weather outside!

Siin on aastaringselt soe. Isegi talvel ei lähe alla 15 kraadi. Vihma sajab harva. Seega kui küsida, et mis ilm homme tuleb, siis vaadatakse sind imelikult. Mis mõttes? Ilm on lihtsalt ilm. Ta on.

Our plan (easy to follow, chill)

Starting the first morning in Barcelona with a bus tour was a smart move. Opting for the 24-hour hop-on-hop-off option provided convenient transportation and a comprehensive overview of the city's main areas and attractions. However, by the end of our stay, we realized it might have been better to save it for last, as my feet were aching from all the walking by day two. Despite that, I must say I was impressed by the cleanliness of the Barcelona metro, which outshone the systems in London, Paris, and Stockholm. Plus, it runs until 2:30 am on weekends, adding to the city's convenience.

Esimesel päeva kärutasime ringi turismibussiga. 24 tunni hüppekas. Oi me hüppasime. Hommikust õhtuni. Krõbe piletiraha oli ju vaja tasa teha. Buss sõitis õnneks läbi terve Barcelona, seega oli meil kohe võimalus ära näha, kus miskit asub ja mis veel ekstra vaatama kutsub!

May I ask what is in the picture below? Küsimus suurele ringile: Mis on pildil?

It's truly disheartening—it represents a squandering of valuable resources.

Kurb ressursside raiskamine. Aga bussijuhi roll linnagiidina oli olematu a la et järgmine peatus on Olümpiastaadion punkt. Sõidame mööda ja uudistame, jaa ongi staadion näe! Aga tavabussina suurepärane - hästi tihe graafik ja palju peatuseid.

I would highly recommend the amazing dinners at various places we had!

Meelde jäävad veel imemaitsvad õhtusöögid erinevates kohtades, mida soovitan teistelegi. Lemmikuks La Rita, kus käisime kahel õhtul.

Traditional spanish meat pastry Empanada


DRINKIES in various places

I enjoyed portwine. Veri = Blood in estonian

Glass mirrored roses and sparkled like it had tiny lights inside!
BEST Ice cream in town


Dragon skin house

Kelp balcony house "La Pedrera" - this is the house we visited inside aswell

Do you reckon this creation will ever be finished?

Queue to see La Sagrada Familia. Everyone loves Gaudi!

Airvents on the roof of La Pedrera

Gingerbread house....not..Its Gaudi house in parc Güell

This tile is originally from La Pedrera, but is widely used in Barcelona on street nowadays - I love it!


Parrots love Barcelona, they live freely and if you are feeding pigeons, they also show up!

MONTSERRAT MONASTERY At 1236 metres (4055 ft) above the valley floor

The Basilica there is warmest and most welcoming I have ever visited. I understand why people come here!

And up we go
Barcelona is indeed very colorful! The vibrant hues add to its charm. Barcelona on väga värvikirev!

Well, there were so many funny things in Barcelona, but the best one was on me! Oli palju lõbusaid hetki, aga parim neist oli minu kulul!

It's about a postcard. I searched for it for half the day and finally found one (not the one in the picture). I took my time and wrote it to my family, stamped it, and eagerly tried to find the letterbox.

I took my time and wrote it to my family, stamped it, and eagerly tried to find the letterbox. Found it finally and merrily let it fall into the box - totally satisfied. I even asked E. to take a photo of me then I posted it (ended up not taking the photo). I stayed happy about it for a day, but then my besty wrote a card to her mom and asked me about the address. THE ADDRESS!!!! Something I had completely forgotten. But I know Spanish post is soo efficient that they know who is Mom, Dad, Brother, and Grandmother! They have to know there to post it right?!

Oh yes, forgot to mention that Spanish really like speaking Spanish and be prepared not to find a toilet if you don't know it's inodoro - totally makes sense?!

Barcelona has big bug problems. You can see poison outside the buildings on the ground, and we found one of those from the apartment we stayed! E. said you can't stop looking at your bug, can you :D. Of course not. It was big!

Last but not least: There are only so many weeks left until Christmas (another good one from Gaudi).

Adiós amigos!

1 kommentaar:

  1. Lihtsalt nii ilusad pildid, tahaks ka kohe oma silmaga vaatama minna :D Need jalavillid olid seda vaatepilti väärt :P
