
14 august, 2013

Love is in the air *** Õhus on tunda armastust..

During one of my delightful lunchtime strolls, I stumbled upon a fractured tree in the park, a casualty of a recent windstorm. My heart went out to it, and I found myself embracing the tree, silently wishing for its swift recovery. Upon parting ways with the wounded tree, I gravitated towards another arboreal companion. As I stood there, pondering the interconnectedness of nature, I witnessed an intriguing phenomenon: a verdant cascade descended from above, swirling gracefully before settling at my feet. This occurrence sparked a curious thought: could it be that trees possess a form of communication among themselves?

Now, amidst the myriad of splendid trees that adorn our landscapes, do you have a particular favorite?

Ühel mõnusal lõunapausi jalutuskäigul sattusin pargis tormist murtud noore puu juurde. Üks suur oks oli tüve küljest ära murdunud! Nii kahju hakkas, et tegin talle pai ja soovisin kiiret paranemist. Järgmise puu juures olles keerles õhust midagi rohelist alla ja langes otse minu jalgade juurde..Kas puud suhtlevad omavahel?

Mis on Sinu lemmikpuu?

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