That night, I woke up early. Something was different. A wonderful soft light was shining into the room from outside. It was the first snow of the winter!
I was so excited that I almost didn't notice my windowsill come to life for a moment. I couldn't believe my eyes when a tiny elf looked up at me. Elves aren't real, are they?!
Yet there he was, looking at me and murmuring barely audibly:
"I would slip a little wish into your shoe
that there would always be those who love and care for you.
That peace would come to your soul and brightness to your thoughts
And determination to your actions and clarity to your desires!"
Sel ööl virgusin
varakult ärkvele. Midagi oli Teisiti. Väljast kumas tuppa imelist pehmet
valgust. See oli selle talve esimene lumi!
Ma olin nii elevil,
et peaaegu jäi märkamatuks, et mu aknalaud hakkas hetkeks elama. Ma ei uskunud
oma silmi, kui tilluke päkapikk mu poole pilgu tõstis. Päkapikke ju ei ole
Ometi vaatas ta
mulle otsa ja pobises vaevu kuuldavalt:
„Ma teie sussi sisse
poetaks väikse soovi
et ikka oleks neid,
kes armastaks ja hooliks.
Et hinge tuleks rahu
ja mõtetesse helgus
Ning tegudesse tahe
ja soovidesse selgus!
I knew exactly what I had to do. I went to the front of my bed and placed my worn, slightly torn sheepskin slipper on the windowsill, then went back to bed and fell asleep. The bringer of happiness had gone by morning, but it wasn't a dream because in the slipper, there was a sweet mandarin and a beautiful Christmas chocolate from home! How did the elf know?!
Ma teadsin täpselt,
mida ma tegema pean. Läksin oma voodi ette ja tõstsin oma päevinäinud, kergelt
rebenenud lambanahkse sussi aknalauale, läksin tagasi voodi ning uinusin.
Õnnetooja oli hommikuks läinud, aga see ei olnud unenägu, sest sussis oli magus
mandariin ja ilus jõulushokolaad kodust! Kust küll päkapikk teadis?!
A little reminder from Wikipedia: According to modern Christmas customs, in many families with children, during the pre-Christmas period (from December 1st to December 24th), a slipper is placed on the windowsill in the evenings, where an elf brings sweets - Santa's helper who checks and reports whether the children have behaved well throughout the year. So be good and behave properly. Let's hope there are many wonderful elves who bring joy to the children!
Väike meeldetuletus wikipeediast: Uuema jõulukombestiku kohaselt pannakse paljudes lastega peredes jõulude eel (1. detsembrist kuni 24nda detsembrini) õhtuti aknalauale suss, kuhu toob maiustusi päkapikk - jõuluvana abiline, kes kontrollib ja talle ette kannab, kas lapsed on terve aasta jooksul hästi käitunud. Ole siis tubli ja käitu korralikult. Loodame, et on palju toredaid päkapikke, kes lastel meele rõõmsaks teevad!
One of the Estonian Christmas tradition in families with children is that every child takes their slipper and leaves it on a windowsill every evening from December 1st to December 24th. By the time they wake up in the morning, there is a treat in their slipper if they have been a good kid. Santa's little helpers will bring them sweets and check if the kids have been good this year. Santa will hear from them how kids have been behaving! Kids can also leave their letters to Santa in their slippers too!
Be good! Santa's little helpers are always watching!