
14 veebruar, 2014

My little secret

Today, February 14th, is International Friendship Day. Once, my friend sent me a great funny poem about fruitcake and friends, and I wanted to write this in a card to one of my friends! So, I did a little internet search...

Big was my surprise when I found something that I had written to someone as a secret!

Pre-story: I was walking during my breaks in a lovely park, and to get into the park, I always passed the house where sometimes an old guy with a long white beard sat. He always cracked a joke when I passed him. He really resembled me of Santa.

Thats not him, but close!

So I decided to write him a letter as a joke for Christmas - just a letter to Santa...Here it was!

"Dear Santa,

I don’t want much for Christmas, I just want the person reading this to be happy.
Friends are the fruitcake of life - some nutty, some soaked in alcohol, some sweet. But mix them together, and they’re my friends"

I have no idea how it ended up in Fruitcake Friends

Probably someone had the same idea as me. How cool is that!

It really was a secret! Dont tell anyone!

02 veebruar, 2014

Temptation with T - First sold in Germany in 1973

How can something like this taste so good!

Best not to read the ingredients !

I can finish 1 pack of those just under 5 minutes :P. E. always laughs, its so unbelievable how quick I am at it.

Thank you August Storck KG (Berlin-German based). I wonder if you can go and visit the factory! Would make me so happy!

Nom nom nom

Luggala (Ireland)

    August 2009

    Mees nagu muiste, muheleb kanarbikus

    Piilume, kõik piilume...

November 2012