
31 jaanuar, 2014

Tenerife (2006) PADI at Christmas

Tenerife in winter is mainly sunny: 20-25 degrees. Water 20. Locals think its cold. Only tourists wear T-shirts and shorts.

We wanted to spend Christmas differently this time.

PADI certification. Another brilliant idea from E.

With so many companies and locations to choose from, I believe we made an excellent decision with Tenerife Dive (

We wanted to go somewhere with warm, clear visibility in the water.

I was completely satisfied with the courses and instructors. You definitely feel safer in the hands of professionals who are passionate about teaching and marine life.

Although we spent most of our time freezing at the bottom of the sea or pool and then reading the book and preparing for the exam, it was worth it in the end. Receiving our scuba diving licenses was a great relief. I almost quit twice with M. The second time was just before the last dive to the deepest point we had ever been (20 m). M. and I were convinced by others that this dive would be the best of all – you can see turtles, for example. I tried to enjoy it 100%: the underwater world is fascinating, but I couldn't fully enjoy it knowing all the dangers (there are so many things that can go wrong, and if they do, you can die in seconds – I want to live!). Plus, it was so cold in the water. We had two dives per day, and the second time it was harder to put on the wetsuit as it was already wet :P.

Generally, I prefer snorkeling to scuba diving – you see as much, get tanned, and it's safer. However, I wouldn't mind giving it a second chance in some warm shallow waters. Perhaps to explore an underwater cave or shipwreck?!
So we can dive upto 18 m now

The second part of our holiday in Tenerife was even better.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Driving around on the island. Mount Teide etc.

Until we meet again Tenerife!

30 jaanuar, 2014


Romantic short animation by Disney!

Looved it!

PS Thanks Roz!

29 jaanuar, 2014

"The grandmother of Europe" Alexandrina Victoria

I have a penchant for costume dramas, particularly those set in the Middle Ages and the 18th to 19th centuries. I enjoy not only watching movies but also reading books and listening to music from these time periods.

Today, I watched the movie "The Young Victoria" (2009). It depicts the life of the monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June 1837 until her death. The film focuses on the first few years of Queen Victoria's rule and her romance with Prince Albert. In my opinion, Emily Blunt portrays the role of the Queen exceptionally well. The movie was touching, sweet, and funny, and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it, especially as I was pleasantly surprised by the story.


Queen Victoria is truly inspirational to me. Her personality, which led her to become a national icon and be identified with strict standards of personal morality, is remarkable. The people surrounding her and the story of her life all seem so unrealistic to me, especially considering the time period when women did not have much power.
Victoria with her spaniel Dash, 1833
Painting by George Hayter
Between the lines: I love her dog Dash; this has always been one of my favorite dog breeds too.

For example, she managed to resist any attempts to have her sign a "regency" contract at a very young age, even when she was ill. She chose her own husband and advisors, and by trusting her instincts, she made the right decisions. She was kind and showed affection to the poor.

Coronation portrait by George Hayter

She ruled longer than any other monarch in Europe so far, and she and her husband produced nine children, who married into royal families across Europe, earning her the nickname "the grandmother of Europe." They had 42 grandchildren, of whom 34 survived to adulthood. Their descendants include Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Harald V of Norway, Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, Margrethe II of Denmark, Juan Carlos I, and Queen Sofía of Spain.

Victoria's family in 1846 by Franz Xaver Winterhalter

She had a nickname which she earned as the "Widow of Windsor" because she mourned her husband's death for nearly half of her life; he passed away after 20 years of marriage. She died at the age of 81.

28 jaanuar, 2014

Paris (2008) Disneyland

Vol I La Suvi

Juulikuu Pariisis on kuum. Juba hommikud algasid 26 soojakraadiga.

Tervitused Villette pargist - Euroopa suurim teadusmuuseum. Täitsa põnev oli.

Seekorda oli tegemist nädalavahetuse reisiga ja peaplaan külastada Disneylandi. 1 päeva varusime ka teiste vaatamisväärsuste jaoks. Ütleme nii, et aega oli häbematult vähe ja kõik tuli läbida jooksujalu.

Aga, mis selle vähese aja jooksul selgeks sai?!

Pariisis on kõik kuld, mis hiilgab!

Kaugustesse ja kõrgustesse

Hästi palju sildu. Kõik suurejoonelised

Sild või skulptuur? Taksosõit Seine jõel on suur äri. Kõik kuulsaimad vaatamisväärsused saad ära vaadata jõelt. Nt Eiffeli torni meie sisse ei läinudki. Rahvast oli murdu ja oleks kaua seista tulnud.

Maailma suurim muuseum Louvre! Kõiki muuseumi osasid me poole päeva jooksul läbi käia ei jõudnudki.

Aga nende tõmbenumbri nägime ära. Inimeste peamine reaktsioon on, et see on nõnna tilluke. Jutt on ikka alumusest pildist eks :P.


Venna just avaldas paar päeva tagasi nalja Fbs

Ma mõtlesin, et teeks veel naljakamaks ja küsisin: "Aa, a millal ta tuleb"? Või siis, et maal, kus maal. Vastus oleks ka hea, et Prantsusmaal...:P Venna küsis selle peale, et kas ma mitte naljast aru ei saanud!

Pärast pikka muuseumis kõndimist oli nii hea jalgu jahutada:

Vaatasime ka Moulin Rouge üle, shõule päris ei jõudnud - hinnad on päris kallid, 100 eurot, koos õhtusöögiga alates 150nest. Eiffeli tornis saab ka toitu ja head vaadet nautida lõuna hinnad alates 21st ja õhtusöök 80nest - kunagi tahaks ära proovida.

Sõjakad skulptuurid ja purskkaevusid

Linnapilt meenutab pisut Barcelonat


Maitses nagu kana. Pidin kõik üksi ära sööma, E.-le ei maitsenud!

Kui jutt juba toidule läks, siis iga hommik sõime erinevas kohas hommikusööki. Nende kohvikud ja pagariärid on mõnusad

Disneylandi lõbustuspark ja Walt Disney Studios' park - 15nes sünnipäev neil Pariisis.

Me olime seal ainult ühe päeva, aga Disneyland on koht, kuhu pole mõtet minna ainult üheks päevaks -  valides tegevusi vastavalt vanusele ja huvidele, jõuab 2 päevaga parkidele vaevalt tiiru peale teha. Kõik atraktsioonid on hinna sees. Kahe päevapilet oli miski 150 eurot ühele...

Väike ameerika raudtee surmasõlmega. Mul võttis ikka tükk aega enne kui selle kaasa tegin. Pool sõitu tegin küll silmad kinni, aga ära tegin :D

Piraadikoobas on selline põnev maa-alune paadiretk, mulle täitsa meeldis. Piinadelt ja õudustastmelt mõnusalt lahja, aga adrenaliinilaksu sain ikka kätte.


Kui otsid midagi tõeliselt ekstreemset siis õuduste torn sobib sulle hästi. Liigud suurtel kiirustel üles ja alla ning suvalistes kohtades sisse ja välja. Mul olid judinad seljas juba kui nägin seda kõike ja kuulsin inimeste hirmukarjeid.

Stuudiopargis sai näiteks näha erinevate filmide võtteplatside detaile. Autosid, hooneid, kostüüme jne. Näidati ka eriefekte. Üks nende tõmbenumbreid seal on väike plahvatus, leegid ja suure hooga publikule peale tungiv vesi. Osad saavad märjaks isegi.

Au revoir!