
12 oktoober, 2013

Paul the bum


Day 1. I am walking down the street. I pass by a bench. Someone is sitting on it. I keep walking.
Day 2. I am walking down the street. I pass by a bench. Someone is sitting on it. I keep walking.
Day 20. I am walking down the street. I pass by a bench. Someone is sitting on it. It’s Paul. I keep walking.
Day 261. I am walking down the street. I pass by a bench. Someone is sitting on it. It’s Paul. "Hello Paul!" I nod to him in greeting. I keep walking.

Paul, or Paul the bum, has been in this town longer than I have. He has been sitting on this bench every single day - day after day and year after year; only God knows how many years in a row. Paul just sits and observes his surroundings. Paul knows I am new in this town. He looks right into my eyes. No fame, no shame. Paul’s face is old and swollen; he looks like he has had too much booze, but I have never seen him drinking and never smelled alcohol on him. His clothes look like they have been through war – old and worn – but they are clean. He looks like a bum, but he is clean and shaved. He is not fresh as a daisy, don’t get me wrong, but he smells just like any other 80-year-old man! That is what he looks like, even though his actual age is 62. He has long, gray, messy hair and he is quite tall and skinny. Paul is always reserved, and the only emotion he shows is joy. He interacts with people in the crowd, small children, and animals. He feeds the pigeons. He laughs. He never gets into trouble, and people whom he interacts with like him. This is Paul, who likes to sit on this bench during the day, but during the night, he lives in an abandoned place – so in our termination, he is homeless.
Paul is half Dutch, half Irish. Most of his young life, he lived in Amsterdam, but after his mom died, he moved to Ireland with his dad. Paul was very happy in Ireland; he was a well-known artist – one of his paintings sold for 100,000 euros. He was married to the prettiest girl in the world. He was about to become a dad.
On the day he was supposed to become one of the proudest dads in the world, Paul’s world came to a stop the second time - the first time was when his mom died. He went to the hospital the morning after his wife went into labor and was rushed into the hospital. At that time, he was sent back home and told to come back the next morning. Paul rushed to the hospital first thing in the morning with his fresh painting and flowers. He went into a mental coma - his wife had died giving birth to their son Oscar – he was stillborn.
That day, Paul was in the start of becoming Paul the bum. He did not know it himself where this chosen path would take him, but he also did not know how to bear his pain differently, and so he drank himself to sleep every night. His only companion was a bottle of whiskey. He only came out of the house during the night to go to the pub to drink and buy more booze for home. It took him decades to run out of money, lose the house, health, status in the art world, his willingness to paint. He was a ruin of a human being – a really sad story, but no one was there to help, and he would not let anyone either.
One night, he walked home from the pub drunk as a skunk and saw the bench on the street. He felt anger and started kicking the bench as hard as he could – but the bench won. Day found him curled up on this bench. He woke up to the noise of the street cleaner sweeping the street. He looked at the sky and saw this beautiful sunrise. It was THE bench, the bench he and his wife used to sit on. He liked how the sun was warming his body, and he felt joy. Since that morning, Paul comes to sit on the bench every day, regardless of the weather. He had started to open once again to the world, but he still had his whiskey and did not care about anything or anyone beside it. In the beginning, people sat next to him, but they could not bear the smell of the alcohol and his dirty, unclean clothes, so they left quickly. Husbands said to wives and mothers said to children to leave this bench right away and not to sit next to the old drunkard; he smells. So they used to leave Paul alone. It was his, and in his opinion, his wife’s bench.
So the day I met Paul, he probably had been sitting on this bench for at least 15 years, if not more. He had changed a bit as he was clean, and he had one woman and state to take care of her, but he never opened his heart again to anyone!
He looks like he does not belong to this town, but yet the town can’t imagine its life without him. He is Paul the bum after all!


Day 462. I am walking down the street. I pass by a bench. No one is sitting on it. Paul? I keep walking.
Day 463. I am walking on the street. I pass by a bench. No one is sitting on it. Where is Paul? I keep walking.
Day 483. I am walking on the street. I pass by a bench. No one is sitting on it. What happened to Paul? I keep walking.
Day 644. I am walking on the street. I pass by a bench. No one is sitting on it. I am carrying Paul’s story with me. God Bless your Soul, Paul! I keep walking.

The End

There are many people like Paul – young, old, drinkers, drug addicts. They need help, but they can only help themselves. I recently read a story on Facebook about a young lady buying clothes and shoes for a homeless person. She called him "my homeless," and he inspired me to write this story. The bench is still there in this town, and Paul was real, but his story is a compilation of bits and pieces I heard about him from other people. Don’t you ever wonder what is the story behind all those homeless people you see? I do!


Almonds hold a special place in my heart - whether raw, blanched, salted, sweet, ground into flour, pressed into oil, or transformed into milk!

Olde Hansa, located in the heart of Tallinn's Old Town, is a superb medieval restaurant.

Romantic old town, snowy roof tops and great dining experience in Medieval Time

This is one of my favorite dining spots in Estonia, and it has certainly made a lasting impression on our foreign guests: bear sausages, wild boar, sauerkraut. Everything is prepared with ingredients and spices that were available only during medieval times!

Example of one of the feasts:

There is a wonderful bunch of people working in Olde Hansa. The romantic candlelit atmosphere and medieval live music warm your heart and soul. And believe me, you won't go hungry in this place!

And one of my favourite treats in Tallinn Old Town in front of Olde Hansa, is their Sweet Almonds. Unfortunately their recipe is safely guarded!

 I have made some of my own Sweet-Spiced almonds today and wanted to share it with you :)

You will need:

500 gr of almonds
2 tbsp of water
2 tbsp of honey
2tsp of canola oil
5 tbsp sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp freshly ground peppar
2 tsp ground gloves
pinch of ground nutmeg
pinch of ground cardemon
0.5 tsp of salt

Preheat your oven to 175 C degrees and roast your almonds on a baking tray for 10 minutes.

Mix water, honey and oil in a pan until boiling (high heat). Add almonds and mix until all the liquid is evaporated and the almonds coated.

Mix together in a bowl spices, sugar and salt. Turn the heat off the stove and add sugar-spice mixture. Mix until all the almonds are coated again. Put the almonds back to the ovan on a low heat and let them dry out. Kitchen is full of incredible smell! Et voila! It spoils your tastebuds to bits! Enjoy while it lasts - I usually run out of these very quickly :D!

Kas leidub eestlast, kes veel pole proovinud Tallinna vanalinnas Olde Hansa magusaid mandleid?! Need on nii maitsvad, et viivad keele alla! Olde Hansa on üks väga huvitav keskaegne restoran, kus on menüüs muu hea ja parema kõrval ka karuliha. Mulle väga meeldib sealne stiilne atmosfäär ja muhe seltskond. Kui sa pole veel käinud, siis on tagumine aeg seltskond kokku ajada ja üks tore õukondlik söömaaeg maha pidada!

Mandlid on Sulle kasulikud, sest seal on palju magneesiumit, rauda,kaltsiumit, E vitamiini ja lisaks on ta väga hea valguallikas! Ma söön ja kasutan mandleid igapäevaselt: kooritud, jahvatatud, röstitud, mandlitest pressitud õli jne.

Päris Olde Hansa mandlite retsepti mul pole, küll, aga võtsin just ahjust välja ühe magusate vürtsmandlitega täidetud ahjuplaadi. Tahan teiega seda retsepti jagada.

Vaja läheb:

500 gr mandleid
2 sl vett
2 sl mett
2 tl rapsiõli
5 sl suhkrut
2 tl kaneeli
2 tl jahvatatud pipart
2 tl jahvatatud nelki
näpuotsatäis jahvatatud muskaatpähklit
näpuotsatäis jahvatatud kardemoni
0.5 tl soola

Eelsoojenda ahi 175 kraadini ja pane mandlid ahju röstima. Umbes 10 minutit on paras.

Sega vesi, mesi ja õli omavahel ja vala kuumale pannile. Kui segu keema hakkab, siis lisa röstitud mandlid ja sega kuniks viimne kui üks mandel on siirupikuues ja kogu vedelik on pannilt kadunud.

Sega kokku ülejäänud kraam: suhkur, sool ja vürtsid. Vala mandlitele peale ja sega kõik läbi. Kui suhkur on kergelt sulanud pane kogu kraam ahju tagasi. 75 kraadi juurde ja lase ahjus olla nii kaua kui mandlid on kuivad.

Terve köök on mõnusat kaneeli-nelgi lõhna täis ja iga suutäis toob naudingu! Usun, et need haihtuvad väga ruttu, nii et head nautimist kuniks need kestavad! Eriti põnevad on need kaunil jõuluajal, aga loovad mõnusa meeleolu ka pimedasse sügisesse!

03 oktoober, 2013

The Eye of the falcon***Pistriku silm. Pictures by EdWare***Pildid EdWarelt

This picture is taken in Woodlands Falconry in Ireland

Most of the images featured in this blog are captured by my husband. I'm eager to share his remarkable shots with you all!

Reflecting on my childhood, I recall my father's passion for photography, wielding his Fed 2 camera with expertise. He maintained his own darkroom, a space illuminated by a mesmerizing red glow as he developed photographs using chemicals. I fondly remember the photocutter he possessed, though my brother and I often found ourselves in trouble for cutting regular paper with it—much to my dad's dismay, though the reason escapes me!

In today's digital age, capturing and editing photos has become both accessible and complex. With a plethora of devices—ranging from digital cameras to smartphones and tablet PCs—and an array of editing software available, the process is more streamlined yet nuanced than ever before. However, I firmly believe that true photographic artistry stems from being in the right place at the right time, coupled with a keen eye for composition. My husband, EdWare, embodies this sentiment, showcasing his talent through his work. Below, I've included some of his captivating images, but for the full experience, I encourage you to visit the link provided.

We were out on a walk with group of friends in Luggala then this big guy showed up :P

 Again - Luggala walk


Regarding the image above, it's titled "Split Man," and Ed expressed some hesitation about sharing it since it diverges from his typical style, which primarily focuses on capturing nature scenes. However, I personally found it intriguing and felt it complemented the "Danger" sign photo quite well—incidentally, one of my favorites among his collection (though truthfully, they're all exceptional). In "Split Man," there's an interesting juxtaposition as the figure appears to gaze up at the looming "Danger" sign, adding a layer of depth to the composition.

The picture captures a serene moment in St. Lucia, where the day transitions into evening, and the sunset paints the sky with enchanting hues. It was a particularly tranquil day, and the sunset, in particular, held a touch of magic, casting its warm glow over the landscape. In St. Lucia, dusk arrives quite early, around 7 pm, cloaking the surroundings in darkness and adding to the allure of the setting.

Amidst our journey to an undisclosed destination, we chanced upon a breathtaking sight: a vast expanse of golden rapeseed fields stretching as far as the eye could see. The vibrant yellow hues of the blooms painted the landscape in a mesmerizing tapestry of gold, captivating our senses and momentarily halting our journey. It was a serendipitous encounter, a fleeting moment of beauty that left an indelible impression on our hearts and minds.

The photo captures the essence of the journey, where the road ends and the adventure truly begins. Estonia's bogs indeed offer a unique and captivating landscape, with their tranquil beauty and rich biodiversity. Exploring these natural wonders must have been a truly memorable experience, immersing oneself in the serene tranquility of the wilderness.

What a thoughtful gesture from your husband! It's wonderful to hear that you cherish this desktop wallpaper so dearly. Having it displayed prominently on your screen, surrounded by a soothing green background, must create a serene and inspiring workspace. It's the little things like this that can brighten our days and bring joy to our lives.

Encounters like these add a delightful surprise to a stroll along the beach. The cat's friendly demeanor and spontaneous appearance must have made the moment even more memorable. It's as if the cat knew it would bring joy to those it encountered, leaving a lasting impression with its charming presence.

The vibrant green hair amidst the lush scenery of Luggala Wicklow mountains was quite the sight! It's as if nature itself decided to add a playful touch to the landscape, contrasting with the serene gray sky above. Moments like these make hiking adventures even more memorable and enjoyable, offering a delightful blend of natural beauty and unexpected surprises.

Take it easy!

Enamus mu blogi pilte on mu abikaasa tehtud. Tänapäeval on piltide tegemine palju lihtsam kui siis kui ma väike olin. Mu isa tegi must valgeid pilte oma Fed 2 kaameraga ja ilmutas filmirulle pimikus. Mulle nii meeldis pimiku punane valgus, huvitavad kemikaalid ja vennaga nürisime ta fotopaberi lõikurit tavalist paberit sellega tükeldades. Nüüd pole isa vähemalt 25 aastat enam pilte teinud ja fotokas istub nahkvutlaris sektsiooni kõrges kapis ja ootab..ja ootab..

This is how my dads camera looks like, I still sometimes take it out from a cupboard - smell the leather pouch and see how different this camera looks from a modern digital camera!

Nüüd kasutatakse igapäevaselt automaatsete seadistustega digitaalseid kaameraid ja hiljem töödeldakse pilte erinevate fototöötlusprogrammidega. Kõige olulisem hea fotograafi juures on aga see, et on vaja olla õigel ajal õiges kohas ja peab olema silma kompositsiooni jaoks! Mu abikaasa on sündinud kunstnik! Mõned tema pildid on üleval pool ja lisasin ka lingi kui on suurem huvi :)!

Ole tubli!

01 oktoober, 2013

Lismore forest path *** Lismore metsarada


Some individuals find solace in the vast expanse of the sea, captivated by the rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore, the boundless expanse of the ocean, and its undeniable power. Conversely, my affinity lies with the forest—immersed in the gentle rustle of tree leaves swaying in the wind, the melodious symphony of birdsong, and the sight of bees darting gracefully through the air. It's an environment that exudes tranquility and serenity.

This past Sunday, I found myself enveloped by the comforting embrace of the forest. Accompanied by friends who share a passion for photography, I leisurely trailed behind them, fully immersed in the natural splendor surrounding us. Yet, amidst this serene backdrop, an unexpected encounter startled me—a man on my left, seemingly shielding himself from an imagined mammoth!

Mõnele inimesele meeldib meri, ookean, lainete kohin, jõud ja avarus. Mulle meeldib väga olla metsas - puulehtede sahin tuules, putukate sumin, linnulaul, ääretu rahu ja vaikus! Sellel pühapäeval leidsin ennast metsast. Veetsime lõbusat aega abikaasa ja toredate fotograafia huviliste sõpradega! Olin metsa lummuses ja liikusin hästi aeglaselt - järsku nägin kuidas üks mees kaitses ennast mammuti eest!