
26 jaanuar, 2014

Golden Eye (Germany (Baiern+Frangimaa)-France-Italy-Austria-Switzerland) - all-in-1 (2009)

What do our travel goal, James Bond, and the Verzasca Dam in Switzerland have in common? You'll find the answer from the trailer above.

I'd say this trip was an extreme undertaking:

Distances - we covered all the countries mentioned above

Mis on ühist meie reisi eesmärgil, James Bondil ja Verzasca tammil Shveitsis? Vastuse saad üleval olevast treilerist.

Ütleks, et see reis oli ekstreemne ettevõtmine:

Vahemaad - läbisime kõiki ülal mainitud riike

A tight schedule, everything had to be accomplished in just four days: bungee jumping, cave exploring, visiting friends, amusement park, Munich Zoo, Neuschwanstein Castle, a boat trip on Lake Königssee, the Alps.

The temperature varied from -2 to 40°C depending on the region. It was hottest in Italy.

Emotions were all over the place: the views, experiences, exhaustion, cold, comfort, relaxation, heat, excitement - all at once and a lot.

The flight from Dublin to Frankfurt went smoothly. However, upon arriving to pick up the rental car, we found out it was waiting for us at another airport. Luckily, there was a shuttle there. An hour's drive away :D.

Here's our rental car - small but reliable.

Tihe kava, kõik tuli teostada napi nelja päeva jooksul: hüpe, koobas, sõpradele külla, lõbusõidurada, Müncheni loomaaed, Neuschwansteini loss, paadisõit Königssee järvel, Alpid.

Temperatuur kõikus -2 kuni 40 C olenevalt piirkonnast. Itaalia poolel oli kõige kuumem.

Emotsioonid laest lakke: vaated, kogemused, väsimus, külm, mugavus, lõõgastus, palavus, elevus - kõike korraga ja palju.

Lend Dublinist Frankfurti kulges probleemideta. Küll, aga kohapeal rendiautole järgi minnes, selgus, et see ootab meid teises lennujaamas. Õnneks läks sinna buss. Tund aega sõitu :D.

Siin on meie rendikas - väike, aga tubli

 In reality


Many mountain views:

Palju mägede vaateid:


Breathtakingly beautiful pauses

Hingematvalt ilusad pausid

Tipid ja täpid

Intricate constructions

Keerukad konstruktsioonid

From plus 30 to minus 2, eating snow within a couple of hours.

Pluss 30nest -2te lund sööma. Paari tunnise vahega

And the journey continues, ever onward...

Ja tee jätkub, ikka edasi..

Many views of the lake and Königssee:

In the mountains of Königssee, a witch sleeps. Can you find her?

Palju järve vaateid ja Königssee:

Königssee mägedes magab nõid. Leiad üles?

The Königssee is somewhat similar to our Lake Võrtsjärv. Long and narrow.

Königssee on meie Võrtsjärve moodi pisut. Pikk ja kitsas.

  ONWARDS to the crazy Ludwig's castle. He once said, "I want to remain an eternal mystery to myself and others." It's one of the most popular castles in Europe. The castle was built so that he could retreat into solitude and away from people.

EDASI Hullu Ludwigi loss. Ta on öelnud: "I want to remain an eternal mystery to myself and others" Tegemist on ühe populaarseima lossiga Euroopas. Loss oli ehitatud selleks, et ta saaks üksindusse ja inimestest eemale.

Of course, it had to rain that day... We had to trudge up to the castle on foot. It was quite a steep slope. You could also ride up in a horse-drawn carriage, but we opted for good old-fashioned leg power.

Muidugi pidi sadama sellel päeval..Lossi tuli jala tammuda. Päris järsust nõlvast üles. Sai ka hobusekaarikuga sõita, aga me otsustasime vana hea kondimootori kasuks.

Lots of viewing platforms and beautiful architecture. I recommend going if you haven't been yet.

We continued our journey zigzagging, down and up, through one village and on to the next, crossing through countries in the same manner. We zigzagged through Austria and Italy in such a way that you couldn't even tell which country you were in at the moment.

Palju vaateplatvorme ja ilus arhitektuur. Soovitan minna kui veel käinud pole.

Jätkame reisi sinka vonka, alla ja üles, ühest külast läbi ja teel teise, samamoodi riikidega. Sikisakitasime läbi Austria ja Itaalia nii et arugi ei saa, mis riigis parasjagu oled.

A small picture from our visit to Italy. We stayed in a noisy place above a bar, it was incredibly hot, and we couldn't keep the window coverings closed because the street lamps were on and the smell of smoke wafted into the room.

Väike pilt Itaalia külast. Ööbisime ühes lärmakas kohas baari peal, meeletult palav oli ja aknakatteid lahti hoida ei saanud, tänavalambid põlesid ja suitsuhais tuli tuppa.

When it comes to accommodation, we mostly chose B&Bs on the same day, and since we didn't stay in one area for long, we had a different place to stay each night. Sometimes it was challenging, and we had to start searching in the dark.

One strange experience:

From the outside, it looked like an ordinary house in the dark. But when we went inside, they showed us a room that was incredibly spacious. Lots of closets, paintings, and so on. Our little bed in the middle of the room seemed completely out of place, and it was hard to fall asleep :D.

Kui juba jutt läks ööbimisele, siis valisime B&B-d enamasti samal päeval ja kuna ühes piirkonnas kauem ei olnud, siis igaks ööks erinev. Mõnikord läks raskeks ja alles pimeduses tuli otsima hakata.

Üks veider kogemus:

Väljast pimedas tundus tavaline maja. Aga sisse minnes näidata kätte meile tuba, mis oli meeletult suur. Palju kappe, maale jne. Meie voodikene keset tuba tundus täiesti vales kontekstis ja raske oli magama jääda :D.

A couple of very cozy nights spent in Alpine farms. One picture below. The view of the lake.

Paar hästi mõnusat ööbimist Alpi farmides. Ühe pilt allpool. Vaade järvele.

We saw agricultural machinery for acting on steep slopes.

Nägime põlutöömasinaid millega mäenõlvadel sõidetakse. Neil on kummid laiemalt ja suuremad, muidu kukuksid ümber.

Everywhere in the Alps, there are self-service places near farms. You can buy cheese and milk. There's a fridge outside, and you put the money according to your conscience. The same was in Bavaria and France with cherries. Tables were set outside, and you put the money yourself.

One idyllic accommodation spot among vineyards and by the lake:

Igal pool alpides on farmide juures iseteeninduskohad. Saad juustu osta ja piima. Külmkapp on väljas ja ise paned oma südametunnistuse järgi raha. Sama oli Baierimaal ja Frangimaal kirssidega. Lauad olid õues ja ise panid raha.

Üks idülliline ööbimiskoht viinamarjaistanduste ja järve ääres:

Onward and upward we go! Ikka edasi ja edasi kõrgustesse:

The temperature drops from 30 to 12 already. Temperatuur alaneb 30nelt juba 12ni

2221 is already close to our maximum. 2221 on juba meie maksimumi lähedal

Dearest friends in Germany. Kallid sõbrad Saksamaal

  Small dinner for someone? Väike õhtusöök kellelegi?

Even E. couldn't eat everything!

Isegi E. ei jõudnud kõike ära süüa!

We also visited the Munich Zoo with them. I got the impression that the animals there are happy.

Käisime ka Müncheni loomaaias nendega. Mulle jäi mulje, et loomad on seal õnnelikud.

Heidi (joke, there is a book about a little girl who lived with her grandfather in the high Swiss mountains and they had many goats)

Väike Heidi (nali, on üks raamat väiksest tüdrukust, kes elas vanaisaga kõrgel Shveitsi mägedes ja neil oli palju kitsi)

Polar bear Knut seemed particularly happy. He got to play and swim. He has a much larger area than the bears at the Tallinn Zoo!

Jääkaru Knutil tundus eriti tore olevat. Sai mängida ja ujuda. Palju suurem ala tal kui Tallinna loomaaia karudel!

  One or 2? Üks või 2?

Ahaa, we were at the zoo quite early, and the tiger is one of our favorite animals to photograph. It posed beautifully.

Ahaa, me olime loomaaias suht varakult ja tiiger üks lemmik loomasid pildistamiseks. Ilusti poseeris.

And it even showed its teeth, the animal remains an animal. We were already quite satisfied, having taken plenty of pictures. Suddenly, a man with a ridiculously large photography gear cart and his assistant came next to us. The tiger decided that it was the best moment to leave :P. The man was left empty-handed :D.

Ja näitas ka hambaid, loom jääb loomaks. Me olime juba suht rahul, palju pilte tehtud. Äkki tuli meie kõrvale üks ilgelt suure fototehnika käruga mees koos abilisega. Tiiger otsustas, et parim hetk on ära minna :P. Mees jäi pika ninaga :D.

That's one of my favorite pictures. There's such a contented look of love on your face.

See on üks mu lemmik pilte. Seal on nii rahulolev armastaja nägu peas

Sommerrodelbahn in Pottenstein - a fun toboggan run

We rode these machines on a sort of alpine slide, but a much milder version. Despite that, M. and I had our brakes on almost the entire way :P.

Sommerrodelbahn Pottensteinis - lõbusõidurada

Sõitsime selliste masinatega nii öelda ameerika raudteel, aga kõvasti lahjem variant. Meil oli M.-ga sellest hoolimata pidur peal pea terve tee :P.

We also visited a cool limestone cave by Lake Thun.

Käisime ka ühes lahedas paekivi koobastikus Thuni järve ääres

We were standing and waiting for the cave tour when suddenly someone brought a llama there. You can imagine how many cameras were lifted :D

Seisime ja ootasime koopa tuuri ja järsku tõi keegi laama sinna. Jälgi kui palju fotokaid tõsteti :D

Grotto limestone guardian

Grotto paekivist valvur

Are you ready?

Oled sa valmis?!

Those who jumped during that hour.

Selle tunni hüppajad

A short video

Lühike video

And the certificate too!

Ja seritifikaat!

And that's it or what?! It went by so quickly!

Back on wheels again.

Ja ongi kõik või?! See käis nii kähku!

Jälle ratastel

We went through a lot of different tunnels.

Läbisime hästi palju erinevaid tunneleid

In Switzerland at the airport. Those don't come cheap. Those big Rolex clocks were everywhere.

Shveitsis lennujaamas. Need juba ei koorenda. Iga nurga peal olid need suured Rolexi kellad.

Swiss francs:

Shveitsi frangid:

What an amazing trip we had, would go back every Rolex!

Lahe reis oli! Läheks tagasi iga Rolex!

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