
14 aprill, 2011

A day without laughter is a day wasted – or not?! *** Päev ilma naeruta on raisatud - või mis sa arvad?!

It's quite amusing to stumble upon these words, which were once a slogan for one of my friends on Skype. Perhaps they still are. I find it particularly entertaining to read through them, especially in the context of using MSN, Skype, Facebook, and other platforms. You quickly skim through your friends' current activities: holidays, baking adventures, sports, birthdays, and so on. It's all part of the fun!

Remi Gaillard's antics never fail to bring a smile to my face. He has a knack for coming up with hilarious ideas, dressing up, and surprising people in the most amusing ways imaginable. Whether he's impersonating a snail on a busy road, causing massive traffic jams, or pretending to be a kangaroo hopping around everywhere, his creativity knows no bounds. Even when he gets into trouble with the police or encounters angry people, resulting in a quick getaway and hide-and-seek, it's all worth it for the laughs. Thanks, Remi, for brightening our days!

I've even got an idea for him! Since he's done Mario Kart before, I think it would be hilarious if he pretended to be the auctioneer from the Monopoly game, complete with the hat, and sold streets and hotels, but only for Monopoly money. Then he could go to a store or café and try to buy something with his Monopoly cash. Wouldn't that be a sight to see?!


 Need sõnad olid ühe mu sõbra Skypes. Nii tore, et on Skype, MSN ja FB - saad oma kiire elu kõrvalt sõprade toimetuste ja tegemistega kursis olla.

Aga nüüd selle "päev ilma naeruta" juurde tagasi. Mulle meeldib Remi Gaillard. Ta on koomik, talle meeldib kanda kostüüme ja inimesi shokeerida. Nagu ülemisel videol - Tigu roomab tipptunnil tee peal ja autod ootavad ja tuututavad võidu. Tigu jätkab kõiki ignoreerides piinliku aeglusega oma toredat teekonda! Või siis ta maskeerub känguruks ja liigub ringi ainult hüpeldes. Või üks teine mu lemmik kui ta lillepoodi läheb ja kukub hekikääridega lilli pügama. Naljad ja kuulsus ei tule kergelt. Nii mitmeidki kordi on tal kokkupõrkeid politseiga ja nii mõnegi on ta täielikult välja vihastanud - mitte alati ei õnnestu tal ära põgeneda nende eest! Aga Remi, aitäh!

Jaa, ja üks idee ka talle. Ta võib ennast riietada Monopoly mängu juhiks (see kübaraga hallipäine mehike) ja hakata tänaval majasid parseldama ja inimesi "vangi" panna ja..Ja monopoli raha eest endale kohvi osta näiteks. Ma küll vaataksin seda :P.

25 märts, 2011

Spring *** Kevad

It's such a relief that spring has finally graced Ireland with its presence. Flowers are blooming everywhere, and the weather is delightfully sunny and warm for a change. Though, as usual, it doesn't last long. The transition from winter to spring in Ireland isn't as dramatic as it is in Estonia. Over there, you truly cherish the first warm days even more. When temperatures plummet to -30 degrees Celsius, everything—grass, trees, animals—either hibernates or migrates to warmer climates during the colder months. Most birds fly away to escape the harsh conditions. Winter plunges everything into a deep slumber, and when the snow starts to melt, you eagerly await the emergence of green leaves, flowers, and the sweet melodies of returning birds. Ah, how I adore spring!

Hihiii, kevad ongi meite õuele jõudnud! Igal pool õitsevad lilled ja ilm on nii mõnus soe ja päikeseline. Jah, see ei jää kestma, aga hetkel on tore. Talve ja kevade vaheline kontrast Iirimaal ei ole nii tugev. Eestis on kevade tulek märgatavam. Kui talvel on väljas -30 kraadi külma, siis on kõik lumevaiba all, loomad talveunes ja linnud lõunamaal. On valge vaikus. Ja kui esimene roheline murulible paistma hakkab, paiselehed õitsema hakkavad, kuldnokad ringi siblima ja lõokene kõrgel taevas lõõritab - siis sa kohe märkad, et kõik on teisiti. Kevad on nii tore!

07 veebruar, 2011

Hairdresser and a sushi night *** Juuksuris ja sushit tegemas

I absolutely adore visiting the hairdresser—there's something magical about the way your hair feels so soft and weightless afterward, leaving you feeling like a million dollars, pampered and cared for. However, I must say, in Ireland, the cost can be a tad steep compared to Estonian prices. A color and cut session for long hair can easily set you back around 200 euros here. My Irish colleague opts for salons outside Dublin and manages to save a small fortune. Personally, I tend to wait until I'm in dire need of a trim or a fresh look, taking advantage of my visits back home to Estonia (last time I got highlights for a mere 5 euros). It's been almost six months since my last appointment, so this Saturday, I finally decided to remedy that.

Stepping into the salon in Bray, I didn't have to wait long before I was attended to—color and cut, exactly what I needed. I opted for three tones of highlights. As she worked her magic on my hair, I lost myself in a good book, completely forgetting my surroundings. Turns out, so did the hairdresser once she finished. I was relieved I hadn't opted for an all-out blonde look; otherwise, I would've been left with a head of yellow locks by the time she remembered to check on me! Eventually, I had to nudge her to see if my time was up. With the foils removed and a quick wash, I hit the jackpot—the scalp massage I had been longing for!

At first, everything seemed to be going swimmingly. I reclined, resting my neck and head in the sink, but what began as a relaxing treat soon turned into a torturous ordeal. The lady handling my hair pulled and tugged so forcefully that I couldn't help but cry out in pain—apologies followed, but the hair cruelty persisted. The scalp massage that followed felt more like a wrestling match—my head resembled the wolf's in the "Nu pagadi" cartoon, being squeezed like a ripe watermelon. To add insult to injury, her fingernails grazed my forehead, drawing blood. It seemed she had a peculiar love for her job! The ordeal continued as she vigorously applied conditioner, even resting the shower head on my forehead, pushing it in with force. Numb from the experience, I patiently awaited the end of the session, which mercifully arrived as I stood up and walked out of the washing room.

I must admit, the cut and color turned out fabulously, and the gentle blow-dry nearly lulled me to sleep. But it'll be another six months before I dare to visit a hairdresser again.

The sushi night with friends later that evening was a blast. While my sushi-making skills weren't quite up to par in terms of aesthetics, they more than made up for it in taste. With five artists in the kitchen, each creating their own unique rolls, the variety was endless. Note to self: go easy on the wasabi—it's a fiery experience you won't soon forget! And if you value a peaceful night's sleep, steer clear of ghost stories after dinner.

Oh, and I learned the hard way that a bottle of white wine spells trouble the next day—hello, hangover!


Juuksuris käin ma harva. Mitte sellepärast, et mulle ei meeldiks - väga meeldib. Aga see on Iirimaal nii kulukas. Pikad juuksed pesta, lõigata, värvida - 200 eurot ja peale. Lihtsalt pesu ja föönitamine ilmselt sinna 100 kanti. Igatahes, see laupäev otsustasin rahakoti lõugu laksutada ja läksin juuksurisse.

Küsisin 3 tooni triipe ja lugesin põnevat raamatut kui juuksur mu pea juures toimetas. Saatis mu ootele, et värv kinnituks. Ma muudku lugesin ennast unustavalt ja unustas ka tema. värv jäi liiga kauaks pähe. aga midagi halba ei juhtunud. Halvaks läks siis kui Hiinlasest assistent mul pead pestes juukseid kakkuma hakkas ja duhsiotsiku mulle otsaette muljus (sõnaotseses mõttes oli punane lohk otsaees) :D. Palju õnne Sirli. Naudi. Ei aidanud ka mu hädine ai karjatus. Ei, kui siia tooli istusid, siis siia sa ka ilmselt jääd :D. Ta tõesti teeb oma tööd truult ja hardumusega, ei ole tema süü, et ta nii tugev on :P. Minu üllatuseks jäin ellu ja mu juuksed ka.

Föönisoengu tegu oli mõnus (oot, kes norskab...mina vist).. ja teate tulemus jäi super kena! Nüüd on jälle mingi aeg hooleta.

Sushi õhtu õnnestus sajaga. Kõigil viiel tulid vahvad ja maitsvad katsetused - tegime kõik erinevaid. Ja nõuanne ka - kui sa enne wasabit söönud ei ole, siis ära kuku seda kohe riisipadjale lahmima paksude kihtidena. Ma arvan, et mul tuli auru välja nii kõrvadest, ninast ku suust, kui ühe sellise põske pistsin. See süütu väljanägemisega roheline pasta on päris kange! Jaa, ja kui öösel magada tahad, siis pane kõrvad kinni kui sõbrad kummitustelugusid rääkima hakkavad. Ja kui jood üksinda terve pudeli veini ära, siis oled sa mitte alkohoolik, aga mõnus pohmaka meister!

Enjoy your weekend *** Ilusat nädalavahetust!

31 jaanuar, 2011

Ginger, lemon and hot water *** Ingver, sidrun ja keev vesi

Ah, winter bids its farewell, a flurry of activities marking its end: decking the halls with festive trimmings, penning heartfelt greetings to loved ones, and savoring traditional holiday feasts. While I reveled in the crafty pursuits of the season, I also relish the prospect of embarking on new endeavors.

January vanished in the blink of an eye, a fleeting moment lost amidst the hustle and bustle of life. It serves as a poignant reminder not to blink too long, lest one misses life's swift passage. A brief sojourn to my homeland, Estonia, yielded mixed feelings, as my anticipation for copious snowfall was met with a reality check. While my friends lauded this winter as exceptional, my expectations fell short, save for a bone-chilling day at -22°C, which I appreciated from the warmth of indoors. Plans for a snowboarding adventure were thwarted by unseasonably mild temperatures and wet snow, a disappointing twist of fate.

Back in Ireland, anticipation mounts for an upcoming sushi-making soirée on Saturday—a culinary endeavor I've yet to undertake. They say it takes 15-20 years to master the art of rice preparation for sushi, but with determination, who's to say we can't conquer it sooner?

In my quest to ward off the chill, I find solace in a cup of tea, a recipe borrowed from the pages of "Hingele Pai." Simply infuse raw ginger and lemon slices with boiling water, and presto—a comforting elixir awaits. For a touch of sweetness, a dollop of honey suffices, best enjoyed either piping hot or refreshingly cold. Give it a try; you won't be disappointed.

Nii, Iiri mõistes on talv nüüd läbi. Nende jaoks algab kevad veebruaris. Aga tegelikult on ka veebruar veel väga külm. Viimased 2 kuud on olnud kiire: kaardid, kaunistused, õhtusöögid. Oli mõnus, aga nüüd on jälle hea midagi uut ja huvitavat ette võtta.

Jaanuar läks nagu lepase reega, kuhu, ma ei tea. Silmi ei tohi kinni pannagi, aeg läheb nii ruttu! Just tulin nädalaselt Eesti reisilt - olen natuke pettunud. Ootasin suuremaid lumehangesid ja lumeall ägavaid puid. Mida polnud, seda polnud. Lumi oli, aga kõik oli tavaline, ei midagi ee-rii-list. Just siis kui lumelauaga tahtsime sõitma minna, tuli sula. Noh, eks siis teinekord.

Igatahes, nüüd olen tagasi Iirimaal ja ootan pikisilmi sushi meisterdamise õhtut. Mitte, et ma seda kunagi teinud oleks. Seda põnevam ongi. Kuulsin, et ainuüksi riisi ettevalmistamise õppimine võtab 15-20 aastat. Hakkame siis pihta, ei ole kunagi liiga hilja alustada :D.

Hetkel on pisikutega võitlemise aeg. Ründavad, igast ilmakaarest. Kusagil ei saa asu. Lugesin just raamatut "Hingele pai" ja seal oli üks vahva ja tervislik tee retsept: värske ingver, sidrun ja keev vesi. Lõigu ja säti tassi ja vala keev vesi peale. Maitseb hästi nii külmalt kui kuumalt, meega ja meeta! Njamm - ja mis kõige parem, hoiab haigused eemal! Ei olegi enam vaja võidelda!