
22 november, 2013

Ka lumeta...(this post is in estonian only)

I participated in a charity event at the end of November, where we had to inspect Christmas packages sent to orphanages in developing countries and poorer European countries. Irish children are required to prepare a Christmas shoebox in school, which is called a Christmas shoebox (shoe, shoe, shoe :D). Actually, packages are not only prepared in schools; Christmas boxes are also collected in government offices and homes - it's entirely voluntary. A regular shoebox is taken and wrapped with Christmas-themed wrapping paper - lid and box separately. Items such as necessities, winter accessories (gloves, scarf, hat), and school supplies can be put in the box. The package must include at least one small soft toy and non-chocolate sweets. Children's drawings, pictures, and Christmas wish cards can be added. It is forbidden to include money, chocolate, and liquids. We had to remove those. Another box was designated for money. Charitable organizations across Ireland collect stacks of packages in storage rooms, which volunteers then inspect, repack if necessary, and supplement. In the storage room where I worked, 18,000 packages were sent out last year. The packages are made according to capabilities and distributed to girls or boys in age groups: 2-4; 5-9; 10-14. Boys aged 10-14 are obviously in the minority. I felt so touched while working with the gift packages in that storage room. There were indeed so many different packages, but some exuded special warmth. It's not for nothing that these packages are called "love packages." One of my colleagues said she didn't like being associated with this charity work. I asked her why, and she replied, "It's sad! That gift package is the only thing that child gets on Christmas Eve, but Irish children's tree skirts are full of large gifts, some even up to 50 pieces." Yeah. All I could say in response was that this little package is more than what I got for Christmas back in the day, and I would be super happy with such a gift! I really would be! New things are so exciting, but actually, things are not what that child needs. They need understanding, tenderness, and closeness! Actually, a nice heartfelt person should be put in the package, who spends the whole day with the child! That probably isn't an option? Anyway, I inspected my 100 boxes in that warehouse and got a very good idea of what to put in the package and who to give the gift to. I hope that 10-14-year-old boy enjoys my shipment! Among other things, I included souvenirs, playing cards, and a piece of Irish luck!


Osalesin novembri lõpus tööraames heategevusüritusel, kus pidime kontrollima arengumaade ja vaesemate Euroopa riikide orbudekodudele saadetavaid jõulupakke. Iirimaa lapsed peavad koolis valmistama jõulukingikarbi, mida kutsutakse jõulu kingakarbiks (kingi, kingi, kinga :D).Tegelikult ei valmistata pakke ainult koolides, jõulupakke kogutakse ka ametiasutustes ning kodudes – see on täiesti vabatahtlik. Võetakse tavaline kingakarp ja pakitakse jõuluteemalise pakkepaberiga - kaas ja karp eraldi. Pakki võib panna esmatarbeid, talve aksessuaare (kindad, sall, müts), koolitarbeid. Kindlasti peavad pakis olema vähemalt üks väike pehme mänguasi ja mitteshokolaadilised maiustused. Võib lisada laste joonistusi, pilte, jõulusoovidega kaarte. Keelatud on lisada raha, shokolaadi ja vedelikke. Need pidime välja korjama.  Raha jaoks oli teine karp. Üle terve Iirimaa koguvad heategevuslikud organisatsioonid laoruumidesse virnade viisi pakke, mida siis  vabatahtlikud kontrollivad ja vajadusel ümber pakivad ning täiendavad. Laoruumist, kus mina töötasin, läks eelmisel aastal välja 18 000 pakki. Pakid tehakse vastavalt võimalustele ja jagatakse kas tüdrukutele või poistele vanusegruppides: 2-4;5-9;10-14. Ilmselges vähemuses on poisid vanuses 10-14. Minul läks seal laoruumis kingipakkidega toimetades meel nii härdaks. Pakke oli tõepoolest nii erinevaid, aga mõnest kiirgus erilist südamesoojust. Ega ilmaasjata neid pakke ei kutsuta “armastuse pakkideks”. Üks mu kolleeg ütles, et talle ei meeldi  selle heategevusega seotud olla. Küsisin ta käest, et miks siis, ta vastas, et “See teeb kurvaks! See kingipakk on ainuke, mis see laps jõuluõhtul saab, aga Iiri laste kuusealused on suuri pakke täis, mõnel koguni 50 tükki”. Njah. Mina oskasin, selle peale kosta vaid, et see väike pakk on rohkem, kui mina omal ajal jõuludeks sain, et ma oleksin sellise kingi üle super õnnelik! Tegelikult ka oleksin! Uued asjad on ju marupõnevad, aga tegelikult ei olegi asjad need, mida see laps vajab. Ta vajab pigem mõistmist, hellust ja lähedust! Pakki tuleks panna tegelikult üks tore südamlik inimene, kes lapsega terve päeva koos veedab! See vist ei tule kõne alla? Igatahes kontrollisin seal laohoones oma 100 karpi ja sain väga hea ülevaate sellest, mida pakki panna ja kellele kingitust teha. Loodan, et see 10-14 aastane poiss tunneb mu saadetisest rõõmu! Panin sinna muu hulgas ka suveniire, mängukaardid ja killukese Iiri õnne!

Homesickness is a frequent visitor in my heart, but during the Christmas season, I keenly feel the absence of Estonia, our crisp snowy winter, and most of all, my loved ones! Although I cannot be with you as much as I would like, I think of you every day! Remember that for me, time is more precious than gold and silver - please don't give me gifts. When we meet, we'll take time off together. This doesn't apply to you :D, I really enjoy giving gifts!


Koduigatsus mu põues on sage külaline, aga jõuluajal tunnen eriti teravalt puudust Eestimaast, meie kargest lumisest talvest ja eelkõige oma lähedastest! Ma ei saa küll olla Teiega koos nii palju kui tahaks, aga mõtlen Teile iga päev! Pidage siis meeles, et kallim kui kuld ja kard ning hinnalisem kui hõbe on minu jaoks aeg – ära tee mulle kingitusi. Kui kokku saame, siis võtame koos aja maha. See Teie kohta ei kehti :D, mulle väga meeldib kingitusi teha!

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