
01 oktoober, 2013

Lismore forest path *** Lismore metsarada


Some individuals find solace in the vast expanse of the sea, captivated by the rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore, the boundless expanse of the ocean, and its undeniable power. Conversely, my affinity lies with the forest—immersed in the gentle rustle of tree leaves swaying in the wind, the melodious symphony of birdsong, and the sight of bees darting gracefully through the air. It's an environment that exudes tranquility and serenity.

This past Sunday, I found myself enveloped by the comforting embrace of the forest. Accompanied by friends who share a passion for photography, I leisurely trailed behind them, fully immersed in the natural splendor surrounding us. Yet, amidst this serene backdrop, an unexpected encounter startled me—a man on my left, seemingly shielding himself from an imagined mammoth!

Mõnele inimesele meeldib meri, ookean, lainete kohin, jõud ja avarus. Mulle meeldib väga olla metsas - puulehtede sahin tuules, putukate sumin, linnulaul, ääretu rahu ja vaikus! Sellel pühapäeval leidsin ennast metsast. Veetsime lõbusat aega abikaasa ja toredate fotograafia huviliste sõpradega! Olin metsa lummuses ja liikusin hästi aeglaselt - järsku nägin kuidas üks mees kaitses ennast mammuti eest!

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