
30 september, 2014

Maroko laternad

Mu meelest nii hea idee.

Ise teeksin valge värviga :). Huvitavad inspireerivad mustrid allpool

Eriti huvitav on see päikeseratas alumiselt purgilt:

Veel ilus motiiv:

Siin on ka üks valge purgi näide. Minu jaoks liiga palju värvitud pinda :):

27 september, 2014


I stepped into another world! Pink and flowery! This big mirror was a wedding gift from my parents from

New life holds little bit of gold and same amount of titanium. Little shiny diamond sparkles brightly (rings from Germany

Keeping the old traditions (tying the lace around the tree to be blessed with children) in Kurgja museum
Its sweet and covered with chocolate. Baked specially for us by Olustvere Manor

Now we can grow old together!
Wedding dress inspired by
Wedding photos by Maris Treufeldt at & Ivo Kivistik at

We planned and arranged our wedding ourselves. Starting with invitations and ending with BBQ next day. If you are stuck and dont know from there to start you can ask me :)!